
2021 - PostDoc, Microsoft

Tyche: Creating Trust by Abolishing Hierarchies


At the end of my PhD, I applied and received the Swiss JRC grant to work on confidential computing solutions for legacy hardware. The goal was to come up with a unified isolation mechanism for compartmentalization and confidential computing, without confidiential computing hardware extensions.

This is an ongoing project with a first publication at HotOS 23.


Software is going through a trust crisis. Privileged code is no longer trusted and processes insufficiently protect user code from unverified libraries. While usually treated separately, confidential computing and program compartmentalization are both symptoms of the same problem, deeply rooted in hierarchical commodity systems: privileged software’s monopoly over isolation.

This paper proposes a separation of powers: to decouple trust and isolation from privilege hierarchies. It introduces an isolation monitor, which delivers verifiable isolation, confidentiality, and integrity to all software, independent of existing system abstractions and privilege hierarchies.

Tyche, our prototype isolation monitor, runs on commodity hardware without relying on complex and emerging hardware security extensions. It enables any software component to create, compose, and nest isolation abstractions, including user and kernel sandboxes, enclaves, as well as confidential virtual machines.



Early stage presentation at AMLD EPFL