Adrien Ghosn

Microsoft Research, Cambridge



I’m Adrien, a Researcher at Microsoft Azure Research in Cambridge.
I speciliaze in Confidential Computing, Virtualization, and Systems in general.

Currently, I’m working on a security monitor written in Rust to provide a unified isolation API on commodity hardware (without fancy hardware extensions). It supports compartmentalization and confidential computing, in deployments as large as full Virtual Machines and as small as libraries with some heap and stack.

Prior to joining Microsoft, I did my PhD at EPFL (Switzerland), with Prof. Edouard Bugnion, Prof. James R. Larus, and Prof. Mathias Payer. My research focused on providing new and efficient programming abstractions to manage heterogeneous trust levels in applications: sandboxing untrusted libraries and running trusted code in TEEs. I modified and extended the Go compiler as well as Python’s runtime to support these new abstractions.


I spend time on hackthebox to slowly improve my hacking skills.

Sports-wise, I like olympic weightlifting, crossfit, and MMA.